Undertaking Recces under adjusted level 3

15 January 2021

The adjusted level 3 regulations and the declaration of Cape Town as a COVID-19 hotspot, presents a conundrum for filmmakers.

Late in December 2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced further restrictions which included shutting down beaches and parks.

Law enforcement agencies are patrolling beaches for any unauthorised access to the coastline by the public.

Essential Service

Under the national state of disaster declaration, film industry is declared an essential service and can use public spaces as workplace.

In addition, filmmakers are allowed to use beaches and parks as film locations under the regulations.

The film sets and other production workspaces within Cape Town are bound by strict COVID-19 protocols as contained in the Film Permit Office’s Standard Operating Procedures.


The City of Cape Town’s Film Permit Office has received queries regarding technical or directors’ recces under the current amended regulations.

The Office is recommending that production companies apply for a film permit. This will allow them to access
beaches, parks, greenbelts and swimming pools in order to undertake recces.

Failure to do so could result in Law Enforcement officials shutting down recces on beaches, parks, swimming pools.

Details on the application process here: