Film Fund

Closing date for applications: 20 October 2024

The City of Cape Film Strategy adopted by Council in 2020 recognises the City’s strategic role as an enabler for the film industry.

It seeks to support and build a thriving, inclusive, diversified, and resilient local film and media industry and in so doing to harness the enormous potential within this industry to grow jobs and help build the local economy.

The Vision underpinning the Film Strategy is to “Build a thriving, innovative, resilient and transformed film industry, positioning Cape Town as the leading film hub in Africa”.

The four pillars identified to achieve this vision are to:

Film Cape Town is excited to announce a call for film funding applications. We are seeking projects that align with the following criteria:

We invite eligible filmmakers and media professionals to apply and contribute to Cape Town’s vibrant creative community.


Step 1: Download and complete Film and Media Support Application form

Step 2: Make sure that your company is compliant. Ensure that your company is registered on the following supplier databases:

Submit the following documents with application form:

  • Central Supplier Database registration report (CSD report)
  • City of Cape Town Supplier number OR reference number as proof that registration is in process
  • Company Registration certification / NPO / Constitution
  • Income & Expenditure Reports is required if The City approves funding less than R50 000 OR Audited Financial Statements for the approved amount of R50 000 and above.
  • Valid original Tax clearance certificate/pin
      • International Companies who are registered with SARS needs to submit the SARS Tax Compliance Pin (VAT vendors)
      • International Companies who are not registered with SARS is not required to submit SARS documents
  • BEE-E Certificate or a Sworn Affidavit – B-BBEE Exempted Micro Enterprise
  • Stamped Bank account confirmation letter
  • Municipal Account
      • If renting a copy of the lease agreement and the owner’s municipal account to be forwarded. The municipal account must be up to date, if not the arrears to be paid in full or arrangements must be made to pay the arrears off and proof to be forwarded.
      • If you are not renting or paying rates, an affidavit and proof of address needs to be submitted with application.

Step 3: Download and complete the project plan form. Select form applicable for the type of project you are applying for:


Step 4: Submit Project plan with the following project supporting documents. Submit only the supporting documents which are applicable to the project type you are applying for.

Short and Feature Film Production

Applicable to Live Action and Animation

Documentation required:

  • A one page synopsis;
  • Treatment (maximum 8 pages);
  • Project chain of title documentation
  • A letter of motivation (maximum 2 pages);
  • An updated CV of the applicant and HODs;
  • A document detailing a list of the proposed target audience;
  • A detailed production budget and finance plan;
  • A detailed production schedule;
  • A post-production schedule;
  • A comprehensive distribution or exhibition plan


Applicable for Fiction/Non-fiction

Documentation required:

  • A one page synopsis;
  • Treatment (maximum 8 pages);
  • Project chain of title documentation
  • A letter of motivation (maximum 2 pages);
  • An updated CV of the applicants;
  • Comprehensive distribution/exhibition plan;
  • A document detailing a list of the proposed target audience;
  • The most recent cut of the film (if available);
  • Financial plan (including a post-production budget);
  • A detailed list of projected post-production costs (supported by quotes) for which thefunding is required (e.g., final cut, grading, sound editing, final mix, sub-titling, etc.).

Special Project (Incl. heritage projects, music videos, commercials, Reality TV, etc.)

Documentation required:

  • Letter of motivation;
  • CVs of the applicant/creative team members;
  • Detailed project plan;
  • Shooting schedule (where applicable);
  • A detailed budget

Interactive Game Production

Documentation required:

  • Creative deck;
  • A detailed project plan;
  • A detailed budget and finance plan;
  • CVs of the applicant and creative team;
  • A comprehensive distribution or exhibition plan;
  • A document detailing a list of the proposed target audience

Training Initiatives

Documentation required:

  • Proof of registration and/ or accreditation with the Department of Higher Education or relevant (if applicable);
  • SETA (refer to South African Qualifications Authority guidelines) (if applicable);
  • Proof of the success rate of past training initiatives for the training service providers who have full accreditation from MICT-SETA or other; (where applicable)
  • A detailed project plan outlining the course curriculum/content, outcomes, learner selection; criteria; post-programme support, if any;
  • Assessment and evaluation criteria (where applicable);
  • CVs of tutors outlining their competencies and proof of appointment to teach/train

Step 5: Email the completed application form, company compliance documents, the project plan form and all project supporting documents to

Please note that applications that do not submit all the required documentation will be automatically disqualified.

You can download the required documents below:

Film Support Application Form
Project Plan for Film and Media Training Initiatives
Project Plan for Film and Media Projects

Email the completed application, project plan and supporting documentation to

No hand-delivered applications will be accepted.

Download City of Cape Town services rate cards:
Filming Tariffs: Permits
Film Tariffs: Recreations & Parks and Strategic Assets
Parking Tariffs

All applicants need to be compliant and submit the following documents with their Funding Support Application:
    1. Must be registered on the City of Cape Town suppliers database
    2. Must be registered on the Central Suppliers Database
    3. Company registration certificate / NPO Certificate / Company Constitution
    4. Submit Annual Financial Statements:
        • Less than R50,000 requires an Income and Expenditure Report
        • More than R50,000 requires Audited Financial Statements
    5. Stamped bank account confirmation letter
    6. Valid tax clearance pin/certificate
    7. BEE-E Certificate or a Sworn Affidavit – B-BBEE Exempted Micro Enterprise
    8. Public Liability Insurance (R20mil)
    9. Municipal account needs to be up to date
      • If you are renting a copy of your lease agreement and owner’s municipal account must be forwarded.
      • If there is an arrears account, it must be paid in full or a payment arrangement needs to be in place and proof to be forwarded
      • If you are not paying rent or paying rates, an affidavit and proof of address (bill with the address) need to be submitted.
International Companies that apply need to be compliant and submit the following documents with their Funding Support Application:
    1. Must be registered on the City of Cape Town suppliers database
    2. Must be registered on the Central Suppliers Database
    3. Company registration certificate / NPO Certificate / Company Constitution
    4. Submit company financials:
        • Less than R50,000 requires an Income and Expenditure Report
        • More than R50,000 requires Audited Financial Statements
    5. Stamped bank account confirmation letter
    6. International Companies who are registered with SARS need to submit the SARS Tax Compliance Pin (VAT vendors)
    7. International Companies that are not registered with SARS are not required to submit SARS documents
    8. Public Liability insurance (R20mil)
    9. It is encouraged that international companies work with a local service provider

    • Production and post-production funding for short films, and feature films such as, Animation, Interactive Gaming, Live Action. Music videos, Commercials, Reality TV series

    • Film and media training initiatives

    • Film and media projects or innovative projects that are aligned with the City’s strategic objectives

    • Projects that can be honoured within the financial year. The City of Cape Town’s financial year starts annually on the 1 July and ends on the 30 June.

  • Adult Content
  • Training videos or corporate videos
  • Current affairs or News shows
  • Purchasing of euipment/assets
  • Film, Arts & Culture events

  • Through the Film Support Fund or;
  • Through sponsoring City services

*Allocation of support is dependent on the funds available.

The funding call will be announced via media announcements, on the Film Cape Town website, email marketing and the Film Cape Town social media pages.

  • Applications that do not submit all the required documentation will be automatically disqualified.
  • All applicants will receive written notification of the outcome within 90 days.
  • All approved projects will receive a letter of approval.
  • The Film Cape Town’s administrative team will require approved applicants to sign a Memorandum of Agreement (Film Support Agreement) to be completed with ID’s of signatories.
  • All contracts need to be delivered and completed as outlined by the Film Support Agreement.
  • Projects that are not completed by the end of the financial year (30th June) will not qualify for the funding.

  • Funding received from the Film Support Fund is non-recoupable, on the basis that the contract has been honoured.
  • There are no tranche payments. Funding will be paid on completion of the project.
  • An Expenditure Report needs to be submitted with all the supporting invoices.
  • A Film Close-Out Report needs to be completed to confirm that the project delivered on all the milestones outlined in the Film Support Agreement, within 3 months after receiving payment.


  • Film Cape Town reserves the right to stop the process of funding or amend the fund's strategic objectives and/or call-outs, as it is dependent on budget availability.
  • Film Cape Town has the right to follow due diligence processes, such as criminal or financial background checks on the companies who apply.
  • Film Cape Town reserves the right to allocate the funds at its own discretion.

Header Image: Origin ©LBP-TV2 Limited on all images. Photographer Coco Van Oppens